Outlet Groups

Outlet Groups allow you to link Outlets to a head office for pricing and invoicing purposes.

Click Create Outlet Group.

As with individual Outlets , mandatory fields will be marked with an asterisk (*). These will need to be filled out before proceeding to the next card.

The first card is Add Group Details.

  • * Group Name - This is the name of the head office
  • Contact Details - Enter the email address, postal address, and telephone number for the head office.

When you have entered this information, click Next Step in the bottom right.

The next step is to Add Invoicing Details.

  • Send Invoices to Individual Outlet - If Yes is selected, invoices and credits will be sent to the individual Outlet that placed the order. You will still need to set up the individual outlets invoicing details within the finance tab of the outlet.
  • Email Invoices - If you wish these invoices to be sent via email to the head office, select Yes
  • (*) Invoice Email Address - This field is only mandatory if Email Invoices is set to Yes.

Please note that if Yes is selected for both of these options, the invoice will be sent to both the individual Outlet and the head office.

When ready, click Finish. You can now go into individual Outlets and assign them to their Outlet Group. To do so click into the Settings tab of an outlet, click Edit and assign the Outlet Group.