Pre-Migration FAQ's
Please go though the below as some of these will apply to your business. If you’re in need of support or have any questions, please use either of the following;
Email: Tel: +44(0)2380 811 100
Most current hardware for version 6 is outdated, including the CipherLab 8300 or any desktop scanners. The PM80 can be used with the new system in the brewery but not for distribution. They are outdated and we recommend newer scanners, the Godex printers are still used across both versions and are reliable printers.
Scanners that are not also smartphones (CipherLab 8300) are unusable in V7, as the new labels do not use barcodes on peel off strips.
We do recommend the Godex RT700 (printer) + MT90 orca pro (hand scanner), as these are the most up to date versions and work the best with our system and labels.
Document templates:
Document templates are created in Administration > Document Templates.
See this link for how the documents work:
Permanent labels:
New QR-coded Permanent labels are sent out before the migration to start attaching to casks so that they are ready for migration. Please enquire with support if you require permanent labels.
Price Lists:
When Migration is approaching you will need to make alterations to your price lists. The first change will need to be changing your ABV price list to a normal price list, this will be on the day of migration commonly. However, you can do this earlier as long as no amendments are going to be made to this. The second change will need to be that your online shop (Ecommerce) price list will need to be set to gross pricing to ensure this is migrated with the correct pricing. Please ask support if you would like help with this.
Migration data scanner:
To begin this process, you will go to BrewMan V6. Open Administration > Constants, find the PremierFunc constant and double click, type into the value box V7 mig. Once this is done, close and re-open BrewMan. Then go to Administration > V7 Migration Preparation. Click Scan Database for Inconsistencies. This then scans your system and will alert you to inconsistencies and fixes for you to do. If the inconsistency arrives with no fix (rare case) please get in touch with the support team (details found at the top of the page).
V6 features not in V7
Listed below are the features that are available in V6 that are currently not in V7. We advise that if you have any major issues with any missing features, you do not migrate and push the process back until the essential feature is included.
Features not transferred are as follows:
Sales Objectives (Not in works currently)
Alpha Hop Percentage (Not in works currently)
Rack to Order (Not in works currently)
Sales-I Integration (Not intending on being done).
ABV Price Lists (See Above under Price Lists).
Post migration onsite training:
The onsite training is heavily recommended if you previously had BrewMan and Production. Onsite training allows you to have immediate answers to any questions that are likely to arise on the new system and for further explanation of how to operate new functions on V7. You do not have to get onsite training but from previous experience, it allows your employees to instantly get the ball rolling and be ahead of the curve.
Demo Account:
You will need to create a demo account for your company, this can be done by following this link: Demo account setup this will be used to get an understanding of the system and how it works, this includes a full set of demo data (The Plucky Brewery/Distillery) to play around with so you are making no changes to any real data. This gives you the ability to understand the system before you are given your live system post migration.
Pre-migration training:
These are aspects of training that are set up through a video call (typically Google Meets). This is arranged by a member of support for anyone within your company to join.These will cover any topic/area of the system that you require. Within these calls you can ask to go over certain parts in more detail or skip parts you already know/are irrelevant to you.
Pricing Quote:
Pricing quotes are done before migration is confirmed, please get in touch with support for your personalised quote.
How long does the migration process take?
Migration requires everyone on your system to be logged off and not needing to use the system for up to two hours as we need full access. It is recommended that all orders are completed, delivered and input back onto BrewMan for the day. Ullages will not be transferred to the new version so these will also need to be complete before starting the process.
Is there a price difference?
For your pricing quote, please get in touch with the support team.
Does this still integrate with my accounts package?:
Version 7 of BrewMan integrates with these accounts’ packages, listed as follows; Xero, QuickBooks, Sage Accounting, Sage 50, Sage 200, QuickBooks Sandbox, Sage South Africa, Fortnox, Greentree and Lexoffice. BrewMan also integrates with these sales packages; WooCommerce, Shopify, Sellar, Zettle, EPOS, SIBA Beerflex, Square and Squarespace. As well as this we also integrate with Plaato for production monitoring and Maxoptra for distribution planning.
Can we change our data in the process?:
Unfortunately, data cannot be changed in the process. However, we do have the soft delete function (Hide). This can be used for any data that is brought over from Version 6 that you no longer want visible. It allows for the data to be hidden but still accessible if ever needed. New data can be bulk imported or updated in the new system, which is less time consuming.
Import Sheets:
After migrating, you can use the import functions to bring in new bulk data you didn’t have in V6 instead of inputting one piece of information at a time.
Go to Administration > Import, select the data type from the drop down, download the example file and fill in the data. Upload the completed spreadsheet and map any fields that are flagged. Full instructions can be found here:
Leads Import:
When migrating to BrewMan, you have the option to import your leads. You do this by going to Administration > Import. Clicking the drop-down and selecting leads. This allows you to import a CSV (excel) file of new leads and any information relevant. To see a template, once leads have been selected click Download Example File. Once the file has been downloaded you can see what information can be imported and the layout of this, to make this easier we usually recommend just copying your data over to this template to match the system.